National Vietnam War Veterans Day is Saturday
Fifty years ago, this coming April 30, U.S. military forces and civilian personnel departed Saigon as the North Vietnamese army and Viet Cong captured the last stronghold of South Vietnam. By sunset, the war ended.
This Saturday, March 29, marks the recognition of the 2.7 million American women and men who served during the Vietnam War from February 1961 to May 1975. It’s a national holiday established by the U.S. Congress.
Out of this number, 58,281 are listed as American military casualties and 1,584 as missing in action. These combined numbers equate to the total city populations of Alpena, Port Huron, and Marquette.
Now well into their 70s and 80s, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs cites that there are 6.3 million Vietnam-era veterans living across the United States. In Michigan, the VA states, this population figure is projected to be slightly over 201,000, making the state the 12th largest number of living Vietnam veterans.
The war became a major schism within America. Marches and demonstrations for and against military action boomed across the nation. Most significantly beginning in 1967 and well into the early 1970s.
Nationwide demonstrations occurred on college campuses, near military bases, and in the core downtowns of major cities and small villages.
Some of the most memorable demonstrations occurred in 1967 when nearly 500,000 protested in New York City and Washington, D.C. In May 1970 at Ohio’s Kent State University, a confrontation occurred between campus protesters and the National Guard. Four unarmed college students were killed by guard bullets.
On May 3, 1972, thousands of protestors descended upon Washington, D.C. and the nearby Pentagon. More than 5,000 protestors were arrested during this date and the following days. A total of 79 were convicted.
In 1972, Weather Underground Movement representatives placed and detonated an explosive device in a Pentagon women’s washroom. There were no injuries or fatalities.
Up to 100,000 American men left the country to avoid a military draft to serve in the war. A frequent destination was Canada. In addition, many sought medical and religious deferments.
As military members returned home, they were rarely thanked and, in many instances, spat upon or physically threatened or ostracized. They were frequently called “baby killers.”
The war placed an ugly, sad, and challenging shadow across the United States. Family and friends became divided.
Vietnam was a French colony from 1883 until the Vietnamese victory at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954.
The Geneva Accords, signed in July 1954, effectively divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel. The Vietnamese Communist Party controlled the North. The South was ruled by the U.S.-backed government of Ngo Dinh Diem.
It was at this time President Dwight D. Eisenhower visualized the fall of the entire Southeast Asia to the communists. He used the term “domino effect.” America began a secret military mission to assist the South Vietnamese government and military.
In the following years, North leadership began to build what is known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail to support guerrilla attacks on the South.
In May 1961, President John F. Kennedy, in a secret mission, dispatched helicopters and 400 Green Beret personnel to challenge the Viet Cong.
Beginning in November 1963, the U.S.-backed military engagements to oust the corrupt President Diem. Over the following two years, numerous coups took place for the South’s leadership.
During 1964, a U.S. Naval destroyer was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin by North torpedo boats. The North received weaponry from the Soviets and China.
From 1965 into the coming years, President Lyndon B. Johnson directed bombings of the North. U.S. ground troops swell from 300,000 reaching a peak of 549,000.
The 1968 Tet Offensive began with the North’s military invading and strong-holding 100s of South cities, villages, and military installations. The U.S. Embassy in Saigon was invaded.
In December 1969, the U.S. government instituted a draft lottery.
President Richard M. Nixon began a withdrawal of American forces turning military oversight to the South. By 1972, the American military presence was reduced to 69,000. This reduction was called “Vietnamization.”
Beginning in 1972, secret peace talks began with the North, led by Henry Kissinger.
The South’s military, along with U.S. support, invaded Laos to cut off the North’s supply route.
During 1972 and 1973, the combined South and U.S. ground forces and aerial bomb engagements became intense. The military and civilian losses on both sides were significant.
In 1973, the military draft ceased. The Paris Peace Accords began a process to end the war. The North released nearly 600 American prisoners of war.
During 1974 and 1975, the North continued military aggression into the South. The North’s leadership projected a two-year process to command all of the South.
But in less than two months, the North’s military stormed into Saigon. On Wednesday, April 30, 1975, with the U.S. Embassy surrounded, military and civilian personnel were airlifted by helicopters out of the city to awaiting U.S. Navy ships.
The prior day, April 29, two enlisted Marines were America’s last war fatalities.
The Vietnam War ended for the United States.
Across Michigan, at city and county buildings, cemeteries, houses of worship, and Vietnam Veterans, VFW, American Legion, Disabled Veterans, and related organizations are plaques and memorials recognizing Vietnam veterans who have served and perished.
Data provided by the State of Michigan notes that for Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, and Presque Isle counties, 22 military members perished in this war.
The most significant national Vietnam tribute, known as “The Wall,” is located on Washington, D.C.’s Mall area. Detailed online information and names can be found online at
In Lansing, near the Hall of Justice complex (at Ottawa and Allegn streets), stands the Michigan Vietnam Veterans Memorial paying tribute to those who served, perished, or were prisoners of war.
Finally, there are two small-scale Vietnam Memorial Walls that travel the nation. Information can be found at
The updated wall lists over 58,200 names.
Recent research from the Vietnam Veterans of America reveals 87% of the nation’s population now views Vietnam veterans with high esteem.
As we recognize the valor and sacrifice of Vietnam-era men and women veterans, should you have a family member or friend who served, render them a hand salute, thank them, and even toss in a hug.
Jeffrey D. Brasie is a retired health care CEO. He frequently writes historic feature stories and op-eds for various Michigan newspapers. As a Vietnam-era veteran, he served in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Naval Reserve. He served on the public affairs staff of the Secretary of the Navy. He grew up in Alpena and resides in suburban Detroit.